You will tell the ugly one that she’s pretty. You’ll tell the fat one that she’s funny. And you’ll tell the pretty one that’s she’s smart. It’s so easy that it’s boring...
Gisteren waren er nog eens golven. Toen er opeens zeer donkere wolken in zicht waren besloot jeaninho om enkele golven van gio te filmen vanuit de auto..
Afgelopen zomer was het hier meer flat dan epic, dus waren de nachten lang aangezien we toch geen down patrol voor ogen hadden. De "beste" footage zijn we ondertussen "jammergenoeg" kwijtgeraakt, misschien maar beter zo voor sommigen...
"Official Statement: HONOLULU - (November 2, 2010) -- The world of surfing mourns an incredibly sad loss today with the news that Hawaii's Andy Irons has died. Andy was a beloved husband, and a true champion. Irons, 32,withdrew from a professional surfing event in Puerto Rico last weekend due to illness and passed away during a layover en-route to his home in Kauai, Hawaii. He had reportedly been battling with dengue fever, a viral disease. At this time the family thanks his friends and fans for their support,and asks that the community respect its privacy. The family also asks to not be contacted so their focus can remain on one another during this time of profound loss."